Dollskar Flea Market
In 2023, a traditional flea market will be held in Dollscar again!
Anyone can bring secon-hand doll stuff for sale and leave it in the care of our volunteers.
1. From the sale of each item, we charge a 10% commission (but not less than 100 rubles).
2. Registration fee depending on the number of items:
up to 5 items — not required
more than 5 items — 500 rubles, paid when transferring items to a volunteer, non-refundable, even if nothing is sold
Don't forget, inseparable sets of items, for example, a compound outfit, counts as one item ^^
2. Each item (set of items) must be labeled with a price and the owner's name / nickname
3. It is obligatory to pack each thing (set of things) in a transparent bag
4. It is obligatory to give the volunteers a list of the provided things with an indication of their cost. It is not necessary to thoroughly describe the goods, only briefly, for identification.
And be sure to have your phone number for communication.
Anchous +79060745688
1) Shoes 1/3 red, 1300 rubles
2) Eyes glass 16, 500 rubles
3) Dollshe Bernard head, 10000 rubles
You will find a flea market near the stage.
Happy sales!
And you can also bring unnecessary things to the "FOR FREE" box! ♥